A calm, sharp nothingness envelopes my mind as I prepare my body to reach and be pushed beyond its psychological limits. The crowd fades quietly into the background as I focus on the hard even breaths escaping through the gap between my lips, the strain of my muscles as they press on through fatigue, and the rhythmic thud of my feet as they hit the pavement. Each step carrying me closer to the end, yet each filled with a silent plea to stop. I round another corner and dig in harder, I begin the climb, I lose my focus, and for a minute the sounds come rushing back clouding my senses. Quickly shaking off the distractions and the pain, I will my determination to return. Six more miles. I can do this.
Running. It is my passion, my escape, and it consumes a large part of my life. There are very few things as satisfying as crossing the finish line of a long race, sweaty and exhausted, but knowing that your body was able to accomplish something many others cannot. What I have learned is life, especially a life with Christ, is very similar to running a race. This is what Paul had in mind when he wrote the words found in Hebrews 12: 1-3:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”
Just like races with strangers and family lining the streets to motivate and push you towards the finish line, believers in Christ and those of the world will surround you throughout life. Some will encourage you to continue in your commitment to follow God’s plan for your life, while others will stand as silent spectators curiously gazing on the racers that zoom or stumble along the path. With all of these eyes on you, you have the opportunity to make a tremendous impact for Christ. This is why Paul encourages believers to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles, allowing us to be brilliant lights for Christ as we run His race in front of the audience that is the world.
As with endurance races, Paul expects that perseverance will be necessary as we push ourselves beyond the limits of what we imagine to be humanly possible. We must prepare for God to stretch us and grow us, and this often brings pain and discomfort. But, it ultimately allows for the building of strength and valuable characteristics as we press on in the race God has specifically chosen for us. A purpose only we can fulfill. To do this, we need a mentor, a trainer, someone to look up to as a model and example for our faith. As runners rely on trained professionals to help them achieve greater things and show them how to perform at their top capacity, Christians should rely on Christ in the same way. He provided the ultimate example of faith, sacrificing His life for sinners in order to bring grace and redemption to the world. He endured unbelievable pain so that we might live.
However, the road is not easy. As I said earlier the track of growth leads to trials and hardships that test us and lead us to a place of desperate reliance on God. But, there is a joy before us, that keeps our focus on the brilliant end to a painful and uncomfortable existence: heaven. Keeping our eyes trained on this, we find the hope and determination needed to continue, just as Christ did on the cross. He looked toward that day with focus throughout His ministry, despite being aware of the suffering it held, because He saw through the pain to the other side. On the other side of His temporary suffering was His exaltation and the salvation of humanity, thus He counted it all joy. And while the joy of completing a race is short lived and menial compared to that brought by Christ, it paints a wonderful earthly picture of enduring gain for a goal set before you.
However, what I love most about this image of running a race is not that it relates to something of which I am passionate about… what I love about this image is that God inspired the author to put the Christian journey into words so easily understood. Not only that, but these words span generations, never losing their meaning or relatability. At some point in our lives we have all ran a race. Whether it was a relay in middle school, the mile run in gym, running in athletics, or merely racing our siblings across the yard, all of us have the ability to understand the words written here in a personal way. If you don’t know what I am talking about all you have to do is grab a friend, go outside, and run to the end of your street. Feel the wind in your hair, the ache in your legs, the heat in your lungs, and for a brief moment you can see clearly.
From the first mark of birth you have a purpose: run the race God set before you. Fulfill the amazing plans he has for you.
Through the mile markers of life you must endure and persevere: suffering physical ailments, emotional pain, mental difficulties, and trials that grow and strengthen you. It requires determination at each turn as you also encourage others to keep running towards the goal that sparks joy inside you even on the toughest days. You throw off the jackets and the sin that entangles you and slows you down, setting an example for other believers in faith.
In the toughest moments: you look to those who run ahead of you for advice and focus on the best example and performance of faith- Jesus Christ. Through His strength you endure pain and dismiss the scorn of those who criticize your race. You keep pressing on, exhausted, but focused on your purpose and your Savior.
At the finish line of life you finally receive the full joy that brought you through: you hear the words “well done my good and faithful servant,” you enter heaven, and you finally get to meet God face to face and spend eternity worshiping Him.
So those of you who are fellow believers in Christ, don’t give up! I know how hard the race is. I am with you, but we must focus on encouraging those around us and bringing them to Christ, glorifying God with our lives and enduring trials and tribulations that ultimately lead us to eternity with Him! He is good, He will help you, He is running beside you encouraging you to never quit. He knows your pain. He endured the cross for you. Now run and don’t look back, run to bring Him glory, run and have joy!