One beautiful week of marriage.
One week of saying goodnight not goodbye. Of waking up and existing throughout the day in the same space. Of living life together.
Man, am I learning why God created this special union.
BUT we can get to marriage later!
Let’s rewind to a day that took a year to plan, thousands of dollars to bring to life, and passed in a blur…
The Wedding [oxford dictionary]: a marriage ceremony, especially considered as a celebration
I would suggest that a wedding in today’s culture is the biggest party that a couple will experience. It takes months of preparation and meetings. There is drama and tears. Millions of choices are debated over: outfits, flowers, food, party favors, cake. And at the end you spend an entire day being the center of attention surrounded by your favorite people who have had an everlasting impact on your life.
In reality folks, if you had a camera crew follow the bride through all the stages of wedding planning that would make for a pretty good reality TV show. Just saying.
And if that was the summation of a wedding, a celebration of the love of two people, that would be fun and exciting. But it would be lacking.
Harsh, maybe, but let me explain….
I stood on top of a hill with my father, hidden behind a tree. We watched as the guests filed
into their seats one by one. We felt the tension rise as the bow slid over the strings of the cello. And paused to pray as the bridesmaids floated down the aisle.
Then the music stopped, the guests rose, and I made my way over the hill to my groom.
As I made it to the bottom, dress draped over my arm and bouquet in hand I was a bit nervous. I looked across a sea of people and saw 260 sets of eyes staring back at me. YIKES! But, as I kept my path, one foot in front of the other, I finally rounded the wall of guests and made eye contact with my handsome husband. My heart stopped and the reason marriage is so sacred became crystal clear.
From the beginning of time God has been intimately involved in marriage. Look back in Genesis 2 and you see Him form two humans from the dust of the earth, bring them together in union, and say it is very good. Now, thousands of years later, not much has changed. God is still intimately involved, knitting us together in our mother’s womb, and if we let Him, will guide us to the one He has chosen for us.
“And [we] become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
As God always does, He had purpose in designing such a special union of mind, body and spirit. He saw it was not good for man to be alone and in His wisdom masterfully crafted a partner to fulfill the great commission with [Matthew 28:16-20], fulfill the call to be fruitful and multiply with [Genesis 1:28], and to enjoy His creation with. However, one of the most special responsibilities to me is the duty to reflect God’s relationship with His church. This is not only a wedding day call but is depicted so beautifully in a wedding.
The groom, a picture of Christ, waiting patiently for her to arrive. Expectance and excitement filling the air around him. She rounds the corner and meets his eye, dressed in purity and grace and he cannot hide the gleeful smile that lights up his face as love wells up in his heart. A love that mimics but cannot begin to compare to the love Christ has for His bride, the Church. He is ready to commit knowing this may call for the ultimate sacrifice of love, one’s life, that has already been exemplified by the one the groom is called to resemble.
The bride, a picture of the church, dressed in white. Not for lack of mistake, but because that is how the groom sees her: pure and blameless due to the blood of Christ and the love that covers her. A soft smile on her face as she remembers the challenges that have led her to this day. The battles fought, the pain endured, the patience in waiting for her groom despite the calls of the world to pleasure. And today, as she rounds the corner and sees her groom it all becomes worth it. Her heart fills with joy and love as she knows she is committing herself to one who will love and protect her for eternity.
Both together, hands clasped, they commit to a love that defies worldly possibility. One that is patient and kind. Bearing, believing, hoping and enduring all things. One void of envy, arrogance, rudeness, selfishness, resentment and wrongdoing. One centered on the truth.
In front of the world, they promise to maintain a monogamous relationship, not falling prey to the enticements of the world but remaining true. Remembering and resembling who God is and all He has done. A love so evident, because God is their center. And God is the very essence of love.
Two people, committing to forever, just as one day the Church will be with Christ forever in heaven.
I am the first one to tell you I love marriage and love. All stories so beautifully written by the creator. But without Christ at the center, something is just missing, because without Him the world would cease to turn on its axis. He is the creator of the one you love. He is the creator of your love story. He is the creator of marriage and the purpose for its existence.
As I stood there, my hands in Micah’s, standing in front of all my friends and family I could hardly hold back my tears as I saw the immense beauty that only God could bring into one day.
And between all the loving glances and powerful words I peered up at the clouds, just for a moment. And closing my eyes, I thanked God for being the center of our day and for our ability to share Him and His love with our dearest friends and His children.