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Godly Love

What feelings does that two-letter phrase elicit for you? Maybe not much. These words are used quite frequently in the Christian circle, and I feel we have grown numb to the intensity of their true meaning.

However, every once and a while the truth of that statement sinks in and when it does the emotions that accompany it are beyond words.

I remember for me the first time I felt the meaning of the words Godly love. I was lying in bed on January 2, 2021. From my recollection I was not doing well, recovery was still difficult, and I was amid PA school. A lot of questions about my future in front of me. And as I laid there in the dark it hit me, and I texted my friend:

We already have that [unconditional love]

I’m crying


We have God who wanted to be with us so much that He died

He literally sacrificed Himself for us because He loved us that much

And He sends us little blessings every day

Wrapped in bows of grace and joy

I’m crying – why has this never hit me like this before??

Like I knew it but now I can FEEL it

So who cares who we end up with

We already know in the end is us and God


Then I took a blurry picture of my tear-filled exhausted face so that I would always remember that moment.

But how easily I forgot and soon resumed my normal life as if nothing was different. Yet, over the past year-ish I have been starting to operate in the knowledge of this intense love. It truly does change your perspective, the world and all your priorities shift.

However, the reason I decided to discuss this topic today falls to Bible study this past week where I had that same feeling of awe and gratitude at the love of God. I fear my words will fall short of explaining just how deep the love goes, but we could all use some positivity and love this Saturday.

Now I am sure most of us know the verse 1 John 4:7-10 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

First, I want you to ponder that bolded phrase: God is love. I know we have discussed the types of love before, and the love mentioned here is agape love. A love given whether it is returned or not, one that is self-sacrificing without any self-benefit. An unconditional kind of love. And 1 John 4 is reminding us that this highest form of love is not just something God from time – to – time displays, it is the very essence of His being. God, Himself, is loving despite our decision to return that love. He is self-sacrificing. He loves even though He is God, and the love of man seems so unworthy or unnecessary in comparison. Even through our mess and destruction He loves.

Verses 9-10 the author seems to give evidence to support His claim: the death of Christ. I think sometimes in the 21st century, so far removed from the OT law we do not fully understand the weight of Christ’s death on that cross and what it did for humanity. Before Christ man was bound by law, a law that by our nature could not be perfectly kept. To seek atonement sacrifices would be. And once a year, the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies on the day of atonement, stand in the presence of God, and atone for the sins of himself, his family, and the entirety of Israel. It was a lot.

Then Christ entered the scene and changed everything. As the most perfect and holy sacrifice He died once and for all. Not only were our sins paid for, as he became our guarantor. He also restored man’s relationship with God, a task the law could not accomplish as it was merely physical. Now, through Christs death we do not have to be a priest and wait for our one time a year to be in the presence of God. Because of the blood of Christ, we have daily, eternal, perfect access to a relationship with God Himself and can approach the throne boldly.

Our nearness to God was not free. It was bought with Christs blood. And it was to nails that kept Jesus on the cross but God’s love for each of us. It is for our good and the restoration of our relationship with God which we broke that the cup did not pass from Christ but God’s will was done.

John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friend. And that is what the author of 1 John is using as evidence that God Himself is love.

When you truly realize the weight of the cost and your own unworthiness of such grace and mercy the unconditional, undeserved, abundant love of Christ becomes put into a bit of perspective. Because so often, in our pride and humanity, we forget. We do not let the blood bought nearness of God to impact the way we view sin, suffering, and life.

“We should be astonished at the goodness of God, stunned that He should bother to call us by name, our mouths wide open at His love, bewildered that at this very moment we are standing on holy ground.” – Brennan Manning

For all we have done we deserve death. God took that death upon Himself, even though he is perfect and blameless, and instead gives us the chance for eternal life. That is love. That is the love of our God. Live in this perspective.

And never forget that you are undeservingly pursued, unendingly forgiven, and unconditionally loved by a very good God.


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