Coincidence, fate, and chance are three of the most common words in our culture used to make sense of something that seems to be a bit unexplainable… something that doesn’t quite make sense. To me, this habit seems very in line with our human nature’s desire to rebel against the one who created us. Rather than entertain the idea that there might be a higher power orchestrating the giant and awe-inspiring story of the universe and each person in it, we find it easier to attribute these phenomena to destiny. Why? Maybe it is because we don’t want to be responsible to a power greater than we are, maybe we are afraid of judgement, maybe we want to be independent and do our own thing, maybe we just don’t want there to be a good God, or maybe we just don’t think of Him as being interested in the details of our crazy lives. Whatever the case, I can assure you that everything in life has been touched and molded by the hands of God. There is no chance, no coincidence, only God’s beautiful and grandiose plan.
Tim Tebow recently sat down and did a one-on-one interview with the pastor of my church. All of a sudden, he was relaying the story of the Bible verse he had written on the eye black through much of his football career. The first verse he wrote was Philippians 4:13: “For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse was worn all the way until the week before the national championship when he felt the need to change the verse and found John 3:16 to be at the forefront of his mind throughout that time. So, after lots of thought he changed his verse thinking it might be recognized by a few people and upon looking it up they would be able to understand the basics of Christianity: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Well, let me tell you, the God we serve is a big and powerful God and after that game, which they won, he was told that 94 million people looked up the verse. That day, because of His simple act of writing a verse on his eye black 94 people were exposed to the love of God. Rather than take this as chance, he thanked God for using him and moved on. Now that is pretty incredible in and of itself but there isn’t much unexplainable chance involved so you’re probably wondering what my point is… well the story isn’t over.
Three years later to the date of when he changed his Bible verse to John 3:16 he played in another game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. He told us in full disclosure that his mind was fully on the game that night and thoughts of the anniversary of this verse were nowhere to be found. Luckily, God can use us even when we are unaware of the impact we are having. After they won the game, the PR guy (Patrick) pulled him aside and reminded him that it had been exactly 3 years since he first wrote John 3:16 on his eye black. He kinda mumbled a “ya that’s cool,” but Patrick continued and told him that during the game he threw for 316 yards, his yards per rush were 3.16, his yards per completion were 31.6, the time of position was 31.06, and the ratings were 31.6 and during the game 91 million people googled John 3:16 and it was the number one thing on social media at the moment. Dang. Some of you might say that this is just luck, or fate, but I want to offer you a better explanation (and Tim Tebow agrees): God.
(watch him tell it here:
Even looking back on my life, I can see thousands of God moments that I may have chalked up to chance and good luck had I not known there was a creator who is invested in my life. My mom insisted I go to the eating disorder clinic a week before I went on my missions’ trip to the Dominican, and I ended up in the hospital due to a weak heart. Who knows what would have happened if she would have caved to my begging and I ended up having a medical crisis in the plane or a foreign country. When I was in my car accident, I was heading straight through the light where the lady turned left into my vehicle. I was ¾ of the way through the intersection. She should have hit my driver’s side door, or at least hit me head on, but instead she hit the front passenger side of my car. When I started having my severe joint pain and seizure, not even the doctors could figure out what was wrong. It was my mom and aunt who figured it out as they were lying awake one night racking their brains and praying for answers. Last year when I was dealing with severe depression and suicidal thoughts, my little sister walked in at one of the darkest moments clutching a folder of notes and encouraging verses and quotes that stopped me from considering anything rash and emotional at the time. I mean at the moment I didn’t realize the amazingness and pure unexplainable nature of these events, but now I can clearly see that God has been with me through every step of my journey.
God is not limited by time, or our human abilities. Everything He does has a purpose, to grow us, draw us near to him, teach us lessons, and bring him glory. Even in the moments where you are convinced He has left you alone to fend for yourself, I can promise you that He is looking out for you. If you are a child of God, there is nothing that can remove you from His loving hands:
Romans 8:38 – 39 -> “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else IN ALL CREATION, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I can tell you with great certainty that nothing in this world is chance. It is not fate. It is not luck. It is because there is a God out there seeking relationships with all 7 billion people on this planet. A God who governs time, controls the wind and waves, allows people to enter your life, takes people away. A God who loves you so much that He allows hardships to come but brings you through the other side and helps you mature because of it. A God who does not make you walk through this world alone but is currently working on millions of things behind the tapestry of the wonderful, beautiful, and often chaotic thing we call life. Call out to Him, for even the big, and impossible things are quite simple for our God. He is the God of the unexplainable.