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Faith AND Science

Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something without a basis of proof

Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment


It has almost become common fact to claim that science and faith, in their very nature, contradict one another. Faith is defined by believing without seeing, whereas science prides itself in the search for hard evidence and tangible proof to support their theories and ideas. Science takes nothing on faith.

As an Exercise Science major, this incompatibility has always been a source of intrigue as I seek to find God and glorify Him in every aspect of my life, including my academic studies. However, it was not as difficult as I had originally been led to believe by many of the papers and articles that compare the two fields of study. In fact, rather than the idea of science OR faith, I strongly believe that the true relationship is science AND faith, as science itself often proves the accuracy of the Bible and the existence of an intelligent and purpose driven creator.

Heading into my final year as a science major, the majority of my classes have led to a greater belief that the complexity of the human body, and creation overall, could not have resulted by random chance. The 28-step process of the heart to pump blood accomplished within seconds, the long process of creating muscle movement occurring subconsciously within milliseconds, the precise order of molecules required for life all point to an intellectual God and intelligent design. In the Signature of God, a book written by Grant Jefferey, the complexity a simple amino acid’s structure and its combination to form proteins is beyond explanation. The odds of amino acids forming chains of atoms on the left side as required for life (when aminos in a lab align with 50% on the left and 50% on the right) is “1 chance in 10^123” (Jefferey). Furthermore, the odds of these 500 left sided amino acids creating chains in the precise sequences that allows for the formation of functioning proteins is “1 chance in 10^200,” which is one followed by two- hundred zeros (Jefferey). The book describes the vast difficulty of achieving this odd by chance through this comparison:

The beautiful DR beach!!! This place really has my heart!
The beautiful DR beach!!! This place really has my heart!

“The odds against a single correct protein being formed by chance alone is equal to the chance that a blindfolded man could locate a single grain of sand painted gold within a universe composed of fifty billion galaxies of two hundred million stars a piece composed of nothing but sand” (Jefferey).

In other words, the chance of proteins, a necessary component of the body, forming by chance is highly unlikely and the only seemingly logical explanation is creation by God.

Not only is the bodies complexity an indicator of design over chance, but there are some astonishing medical facts found within the pages of God’s word. In Leviticus 17:10-11 it says, “I will set my face against any Israelite or any foreigner residing among them who eats blood, and I will cut them off from the people. For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the later; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” Today, science has proven the accuracy of the statement: “the life of a creature is in the blood” (Jefferey). Grant Jefferey presents this argument stating that blood is known to carry nutrients and materials that promote healing, assists in storing fat as energy, supports organs, helps fight diseases and clots wounds. However, throughout most of history medical practitioners would drain blood in attempt to defeat diseases, showing the scripture held the key to medicine long before modern science proved the scripture to be true through its research (Jefferey). Another astonishing medical finding in scripture lies in the commandment of circumcision. Jeffery reminds readers that in Genesis 17:12 and Leviticus 12:3 the Israelites are commanded to circumcise their young males on the eighth day after birth specifically. While this was partially for sanitation, scientists have found that on the eighth day after birth vitamin K and prothrombin, both essential for fast clotting, rise to “110% of normal” (Jefferey). In a society where there was not advanced medical knowledge and plenty of dirt and disease, the rapid clotting of wounds was essential for preventing infectious agents to enter. Moses would not have known these facts, he simply trusted God and obeyed His commands (Jefferey). It was not science, but faith in the Creator that kept the children safe, however, it was science that showed the eighth day was not a random command given, but a command specifically set in place by God to protect His people as He alone knew the importance.

Finally, one of the most interesting scientific findings in the Bible lies within the first few pages of the enormous book. Genesis 2:7 states, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” While this sounds shocking and a bit unbelievable…man from dirt?... NASA’s Ames Research Center recently found through research that “clay and earth contain every element found in the human body” (Jefferey). In fact, the scientists working on the project concluded that, “We are just beginning to learn. The biblical scenario for the creation of life turns out to be not far off the mark”(“How Life on Earth Began,” Reader’s Digest, November 1982, 116.). Absolutely incredible.

These are just a few examples out of many I have stumbled upon in my years as a science major. Not only does science seem to compliment scripture, when digging deeper it often proves that scripture is true as well. And does it not make sense? The God who created the world, created the minds that take part in scientific research, reveals Himself through the very things He created.

Therefore, I will continue to study science and pursue faith and God’s glory through this field because the more scientific knowledge I gain, the more I learn about the complexity of humanity, the improbable odds of life as we know it, the stronger my faith in God becomes.

And I would not trade this for anything in the world.


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