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A Bold Kind of Year

Ready or not a new year is starting, and you have decisions to make about what you will begin to scrawl in this next chapter of your life. As crazy as it is, each word written will impact your life for years to come and depending on the steps you pursue they may also influence the lives of those around you. It’s all up to you… and that is a LOT of pressure for a young adult to carry…

The thing is, many of us have grown up hearing a large amount of negativity surrounding our generations and what we will be capable of in the future. We have believed that we are directionless, anxiety- filled, non-loyal, and unable to actually make a difference. And since we believe these lies, they are fulfilled in us. The fear is too great, and we sit in our defeat.

But God is not a God of defeat. Louie Giglio made it quite clear at passion that we serve a victorious God who will give us POWER and COURAGE if we simply ask. He doesn’t count you out because of age, sex, ethnicity, or your past. David was a teenager who defeated a giant, rehab was a prostitute that helped the Jews conquer Jericho, and Esther was a stunning, young, Jew who was made queen of Persia to save God’s people. So, if God is willing and ready… the question we have to ask is why aren’t we?

I admit I fall into this space of contentment in my defeat and simple life daily. The idea of pursuing the life God has placed before me is intimidating, uncomfortable, and unpredictable. It would take total reliance on a God who I cannot see, hear, or touch. Someone invisible. And naturally, being human the greatness of the calling can scare me into a refusal to immediately follow. I fill my head with excuses, such as being young, that allows me to justify this contentment.

But… then we see people out there living for God who are our age… speaking to thousands and that wonder and calling creeps up again. I’m here to encourage you to allow this year to be the year where the young generations of Christians step up and pursue God boldly, changing the world in His name and by His power.

In 1 Timothy 4:12 God says – “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

I was recently blessed by an opportunity to experience this power and example in person as I attended Passion 268 with two of my best friends, and 65,000 of my dearest family in Christ. The population was composed entirely of 18-25-year old’s who were passionate and in love with their God, ready to enter a new year of serving Him. In one night alone I witnessed them rally together to raise $1,214,075 to support Bible’s being translated into the languages of the unreached people groups and to advocate for the problem of human trafficking! Incredible! And as crazy as it may sound… all of this was accomplished by the youth.

You are the next generation who is rising up and will soon be the primary influencers of the world. So… you have to decide yourself to stand up against the lies and proclaim God’s name and allow Him to work through you to set an example of the love and nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ! We have to choose to ask for the courage to be bold in our school, home, and workplace. We have to choose to evangelize and tell a lost and broken world about the greatest gift that has ever been given to humanity. We have to choose to stand firm in our foundation and serve our God regardless of the opinion of others. We have to choose to live a life of significance for Him… one that will impact those around us for generations to come!

I challenge you to start where you are, embracing your youth and the generation you were born into. God doesn’t make mistakes. You were placed on the earth at this time for a reason. Ask Him, chase Him, and live every day for Him. By His power you can be a part of a generation known for living for the God of the universe!

It always starts with one.


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